Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Color Me Rad


Oh my gosh, has it really been forever since my last post? GASP! Well, that stinks. Sorry about that.


On Saturday, August 8th, my middle child (only son) and I participated in the Color Me Rad 5K that took place in Bethlehem, PA. We woke up early.... earrrrrrrrleeeeeeeeeeeee! I know I used to wake up at the butt crack of dawn back in the day to workout, but lately, NO!

So, up and at 'em at 5am. Out the door by 6:15ish and we were on our way! But you know before all that, it was coffee first. C'mon, a girl has a priorities... like waking up was at the very top and I cannot wake up without a good ol' cup of joe. Sip. Sip. Ahh.

So, fueled by coffee and off we went.

Can I just say how overly excited my little man was? Ahh, it made my heart skip a beat! We had on our white tees with the bibs already pinned on and black shorts. We were pumped!

When we arrived at our destination there were people everywhere! Unsure of where to go since people were just standing around, we made our way to where there was a stage set up. A stage for what? Zumba apparently. Zumba seems to pump people up, so we zumba'd. Well, I did. He stood there with his arms crossed... haha. Yup, the 6 year was not about to zumba for anything!

Prior to the race, it was zumba followed by some very enthusiastic guy throwing color bombs into the crowd and trying to get people up on stage to win stuff. Those things happened repeatedly. It got the crowd going, so mission accomplished! We were pretty colorful before the race had even begun.

We eventually made our way to the start line and stood there until the people ahead of us began to go.  Oh and once we actually picked up our pace, he was grinning ear to ear and then... (yup, there was an "and then") about 45 seconds into it he asks, "are we almost done?" WHAT?! bahaha, no, we just started. (poor kid... I think he forgot when I said it was 3 miles. Whoops!)

He did well. He would get tired and need to walk and then he'd start running again (weaving in and out of people). We got sprayed with some kind of paint or gel and then colorful cornstarch powder was thrown on top of that. He loved it! (I did, too, but to see him all messy and happy. I loved that!)

Towards the end of the race, he was winding down and wanted to go up on my shoulders. (Uh, what?!) But being the good mommy that I am, I did it. I walked (because running was not going to happen now) with him up on my shoulders for the last half mile. As soon as we crossed the finish line, he dumped his water on his head which went all over me, too. It was all in good fun!

I wasn't sure at first if he would do this again, but once we finished, he was on board for wanting to do another. Woohoo!

Our Mommy & me time was awesome, but boy oh boy were we exhausted for the rest of the day!

My next color run is in October. I'll be running that one with my oldest daughter! Can't wait!!!

#ColorMeRad #BethlehemPA


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